Thursday, May 14, 2015

Heroes of the City Giveaway #HeroKids 3 Winners #MomBuzz - Ends 5/21

Hey Agents!

I have an awesome giveaway for you today, so don't wait for me, just jump right down to see the rules, prizes, etc.  If interested however, you can go back and read my review of the Heroes of the City Youtube Channel.
Giveaway Heroes of the City
((PI of Products)) has joined up with other awesome bloggers from Mom Buzz Media to bring you this awesome giveaway!
About the Sponsor: Heroes of the City is an animated TV-series about rescue vehicles in a small town where everybody gets to be a hero! You will find over 6 hours of full episodes with great stories for the little ones. The TV-series contains a lot of warmth and teaches the importance of friendship and what we can achieve by helping each other. On the YouTube Channel you will find 6 hours of entertainment for the younger children. The videos are high quality and are suitable for children 2-6 years. The YouTube channel is available in 18 different languages!

Subscribe to the Heroes of the City on YouTube Like Heroes of the City on Facebook

Giveaway Time!

Enter the Giveaway below for your chance to win one of 3 Heroes of the City Prize Packs!
US Residents only please, Ends 5/21

Disclaimer: The sponsor is responsible for prize fulfillment. Winners will be notified via email and will have 48 hours to respond otherwise forfeiting their prize. US Residents only please, Ends 5/21/15 at 11:59 pm,.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Heroes of the City Youtube Channel - 6 Hours of Entertainment for Your Preschooler!

Hello Agents!

How is everyone doing today?  We are doing pretty good, it's just been super hectic here recently.  We have company here, we are getting a lot of work done on the house, pups due in a few days, etc.

Today, I want to tell you about this new Youtube channel I found that has 6 hours of entertainment for your preschooler, and what makes it even better is that your child will be learning while they are watching!  It is called Heroes of the City, and is all about a the rescue vehicles that work/patrol in a small town where everybody can be a hero whether they are big or small.  The videos are best for 2-6 year olds, although others could certainly enjoy it.

They just released several new videos (yay!).  One of the newly released Youtube videos is the Calamity Crow Kids Crafting Show EP03 - Characters out of paper rolls.  I've watched a couple of other videos with Calamity Crow and he is pretty funny... your kids will love him!  Those characters out of paper rolls look so cute and terribly easy.  During the instructional video Calamity Crow also gives out several warnings about being careful when using scissors and glue.  And I promise, your preschooler will vote you the best mom ever if you help them make some.

So, make sure you head on over to the Heroes of the City Youtube Channel and subscribe for your kids.  Not only will they be having fun, they will be learning!

This post was created in partnership with Mom Buzz Media. All opinions expressed above are my own.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Educational Apps for Kids! Check these out! #MomBuzz

Hey Agents!


((((Hey Everyone! This app just had an update, so I wanted to share a little more. This is a great app to download for any preschool/kindergartn/baby that likes books. Plus you have the ease of books on a mobile device, great for on the go! I think just about everybody has heard this song before. You know, B-I-N-G-O --- B-I-N-G-O --- and BINGO was his Namo! Yes, I know it can get annoying to parents :), but it can be a learning song for your children. Again, I really like the cute and colorful graphics!)))

Get Preschool & Kindergarten Books, Songs & Early Reading Games App on iTunes


(((Seriously! Yes, I just said that... download this app... right now! Your kids will love you for it. Not to mention that this is one of the best educational apps, that I have ever seen. The sound is great, the graphics are amazing, your kids will enjoy it, and they will be learning. See!?!? It's a win-win for both of you!)))

Get Alphabet Tracing & Montessori App on iTunes

Android users can also find Kids Academy on Google Play!

Also be sure to visit Kids Academy on social media!

Facebook | Twitter | YouTube

This post was created in partnership with Mom Buzz Media and Kids Academy. All opinions expressed are my own.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Campus Book Rentals - Rent Your College Textbooks!!

Hello Agents!

How is everyone doing today?  I am doing pretty good... we have been SUPER busy recently, but everybody seems to be doing okay.  Some of you are probably already familiar with CampusBookRentals (previous investigations), but for those who don't, I'd like to do another investigation for your benefit.

One of the first subjects that I' like to uncover and investigate, is that of college textbooks.  As most of you probably know, my brother has started college and is doing great so far!  He is taking Psychology and Criminal Justice.  He would one day like to work in Law Enforcement.  When he first started, he was worried about how expensive the textbooks would be, but then we told him about CampusBookRentals!  

Renting your textbooks seems like a good idea for anybody that is in college.  There are so many perks to it!  Check these out...

  • Okay, when renting textbooks, do you worry about having to pay shipping charges? Not if you rent through Campus Book Rentals! When renting with Campus Book Rentals you get totally FREE shipping both ways. Talk about GREAT!
  • When you rent textbooks instead of purchasing from a bookstore you save 40-90 percent!  Saving money is always great, let alone saving 40-90 percent!  
  • Do you like highlighting in your textbooks?  There are a couple people in my family that enjoy highlighting specific text/paragraphs/etc.  When you rent from Campus Book Rentals you can even highlight in the books!  
  • Still need more to convince you?  How about flexible renting periods, live customer support, and... this should speak for itself... Campus Book Rentals has been a Trusted Source since 2007, and much more!

Operation Smile is a charity organization for children – donate non profit

And for those of you that don't know, every time a textbook is rented from Campus Book Rentals, they donate a portion to Operation Smile (this is an international medical charity for children -- check them out!).   

So, are you already through college and you have used textbooks laying around?  There is always the option to rent them out to those new students just starting college (who need your old books!), by going through RentBack.  Again, there are many benefits, one of which is that you will earn 2-4x more by renting them out, then you would by selling your books at the end of your semester.  

This is a sponsored post.  All thoughts and opinions are mine.  All photos are taken from the sponsor's website/s.  

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Fun + Educational Math Apps for Your Kids!

Hey Agents!

How is everyone doing this morning?  Are you looking for some fun, and yet educational apps to download for your children.  Check out these great apps that I recently had the chance to review...

1.  Splash Math - Grades 1 to 5 App

"We recently downloaded this app and love it.  M. has had a little bit of trouble with some of the fifth grade and higher math, so this looks like a good solution.  It is fun, but it teaches valuable mathematical concepts.  It might even be an idea for me to go through some of the higher levels for a refresher!  :D"

2.  Preschool & Kindergarten Splash Math App

"This is a wonderful app to download to your apple device for your children that are in Preschool and Kindergarten. Does one of them need a little help with their math, but you don't have time to go over it with them? Try this app out! Not only will you like the educational part, but I am sure they will be THRILLED with the cute and interactive graphics. After you win so many "points" you get to choose an animal/foliage to add to your own little jungle. Awesome!"

Join the 8 million+ users! Download Splash Math on iTunes! Get SplashMath for Grades 1-5 Get SplashMath for Pre-K

Or check them out on Google Play!

Facebook | Twitter | Google+ | Pinterest

$100 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway
Write a short review of any Splash Math app on the iTunes App Store. If you have already reviewed Splash Math app, simply update your review.
Send an email to with your iTunes nickname and the app you reviewed.

This post was created in partnership with Mom Buzz Media and StudyPad Inc. All opinions expressed are my own.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Kid's Academy Educational Apps Review!

Hello Agents!

I had a chance to review of couple of kids learning apps and I wanted to share my reviews with all of  you here.  What are some of your favorite learning apps for kids?

Kids Academy

1.  This first app is the Preschool and Kindergarten Learning Games.  This is a really neat app teaching children the shapes of letters and numbers.  With an interactive screen  and attractive graphics, and child is sure to like this, and the best part is that they are learning while having fun!


2.  This app is called The Kid's Academy ABC's!  This is a neat app to help your child learn how to read.  There are mazes where you drag the bone in front of the dog to get the dog to the end of the maze.  In some the dog is thinking of an item, and you have to bring him to the item that rhymes with whatever he is thinking about.  Such as Pen and Hen!

3. And the last app I reviewed was the Bingo ABC Alphabet Phonics. I think just about everybody has heard this song before.  You know, B-I-N-G-O --- B-I-N-G-O --- and BINGO was his Namo!  Yes, I know it can get annoying to parents :), but it can be a learning song for your children.  Again, I really like the cute and colorful graphics!

So, pull out your iPhone/iPod/iPad/whatever and start downloading these games for your kids!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Need Textbooks for College? Rent Them!

Hello Agents,

Today we will be investigating Campus Book Rentals.  So, grab your magnifying glass, your flashlight, and your paperwork and we will get started!

The first subject we will be investigating is college textbooks.  School recently started back up and my brother just started college.  He is taking Psychology, Criminal Justice, etc.  When the subject of purchasing his textbooks came up, we immediately thought of Campus Book Rentals.

We have heard of Campus Book Rentals before, but had never actually used their services.  For those of you that don't know, there are A LOT of perks to renting textbooks.  Some of which are

  • When you rent textbooks instead of purchasing from a bookstore you save 40-90 percent!
  • Another plus is that you can highlight in the textbooks.  Are you somebody that likes highlighting important paragraphs or sentences?  You have nothing to worry about when renting!
  • Okay, when renting textbooks, do you worry about having to pay shipping charges?  Not here!  When renting with Campus Book Rentals you get totally FREE shipping both ways.  Talk about awesome!
  • Some other great perks are that there are flexible renting periods, live customer support, and... this should speak for itself... Campus Book Rentals has been a Trusted Source since 2007!

Okay, so one last perk (in more ways than one!).  Every time a textbook is rented from Campus Book Rentals, they donate to Operation Smile (a international medical charity for children).  

Operation Smile is a charity organization for children – donate non profit

Another new company in regards to college textbooks is RentBack (by Campus Book Rentals).  The basic gist of the company is that you can rent your used textbooks (instead of just tossing them out, or selling to another buyer) to other students that now need the books that you are done with!  You can make 2-4x more then you would by selling your books at the end of your semester.  

So, if you (or someone you know) are still looking for textbooks, make sure you check out these websites.  It is well worth it!

This is a sponsored post, but all thoughts and opinions are mine.