Thursday, March 20, 2014

Perks of Renting Textbooks!

Hello Agents!

Okay, how many of my agents out there are either college goers, or have college goers in the family?  Do you purchase new or old textbooks, or do you rent textbooks.  Today we will be investigating and discussing some perks of renting textbooks.  So, grab your magnifying glass and let's get started!
  • If you decide to rent textbooks you will have flexible renting periods.
  • You can highlight in your rented textbooks!  
  • If you go with renting textbooks it is 40-90%  off of the price that it would be if you purchased new from a bookstore.
  • You get free shipping both ways, so that helps cut out another expense.  Yes!  
  • Live Customer Support - a must for if you have any questions!
  • When you rent a textbook from CampusBookRentals they donate to OperationSmile!  
So, not only are you saving money, but you are also helping to transform children's lives!
Operation Smile is a charity organization for children – donate non profit

After you are through using your textbooks you should check out Campus Book Rental's new program called RentBack.  Rent Back allows you to "rent" your used textbooks to other students.  Instead of just selling your textbooks at the end of your semester, just rent them out!  It could also make you up to 2-4x more!

1.  Rent Textbooks Instead of Purchasing New!
2.  Rent Your Old Textbooks to Other Students Instead of Selling Them!


This is a sponsored post, but all thoughts and opinions are mine.

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