Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Gundimals Are Giftable! Review/Giveaway

Hello Agents,

I have really enjoyed sharing these with you.  We have yet another fun and giftable item that many people would love!  I was sent a Lion Gunidmal from Gund...

Isn't he adorable?!?  I think he is so cute!  When he arrived all of the girls in the family (5) were oohing and aahing over him.  

Our Lion GUNDimal is really soft, but especially his mane!  It feels great!  He will look so nice sitting with the other stuffed animals in the room that I share with my little sister.

Look at his face!  Don't you want a GUNDimal? These would seriously make GREAT gifts for someone (child OR adult!:).  Make sure you go check out their website.

 GUND is going to send one of my Agents a GUNDimal!  Wow!  Make sure to enter below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Darlene said...

I like the PHILBIN - Chocolate 18"

Anonymous said...

Well theres a toss up here but I am going to go with MUTTSY - Medium 14"-- I think both the girls would enjoy caring it around--thanks

DEBIJOT said...

love PHILBIN the chocolate bear.

michelle mcafee said...

my son would love muttsy.

Amanda Rauch said...

Definitely BOO - The World's Cutest Dog. Wow, that is cute!

Sunnie said...

I love that they have a farm section! I like the horse

1955nurse said...

Love Philbin the Chocolate bear!!!

Unknown said...

I love the German Shepard,these are so cool! Thank you for the awesome giveaway! :)

lmurley2000 said...

we like the horse

nicolesender said...

BOO - The World's Cutest Dog is my choice!