I was given a GC to spend on Mailpix. I started looking at the different options, and then decided what I wanted the most. Shipping was very quick (within 9 business days). Here is my box of goodies!
They had a sale going on where their mugs were only $5 a piece. I chose seven of those (one of each member of my family except my Mom, who doesn't use mugs). I used the pictures from a family play we recently did.
Don;t they look great?!? I think they do. Everyone in my family except for my mom and I are big coffee drinkers (we like tea) so these will make great gifts for them.
I also chose a keychain for my mom. She likes to have one keychain from each attraction that we visit, but somehow missed one at the Dallas Zoo. She loved the Koala Bear at the Zoo so I took the picture of the Koala and added Dallas Zoo and the date.
She will love it! I think it turned out really well. It feels very sturdy, and it looks really nice with the silver border.
Next they had a special going on where you would get a free Brag Book (photo book), so I created one of those as well.
It came out really well. I did some pictures of our dogs, pictures from our play, and just some of the family!
It printed really well (sorry about the glare - this was the best that I could get).
Next I designed a set of coasters. Six come with the set, and you can either use one picture for all six coasters, or you can use a different picture for each coaster.
These came out really nice. The only problem is that with the shape of the coasters it cropped out part of the writing on our play. I had a couple of dollars left so I had some prints made (the first 100 were free for setting up an account and then the other 200 were a penny a print :). I have always liked having physical prints for our frames, etc. and now we have plenty. :)
The last thing I chose is a Tote Bag with a front pocket. I made a collage of my two dogs (Shadow - my Schipperke, and Princess Pansy - my Sheltie) and uploaded that picture to use on my tote bag.
I think it turned out wonderful. I love being able to carry around pictures of my dogs and show them off! :)
Mailpix is a great customized/photo company with very reasonable prices! I was amazed with how low their prices were (yet their items are high-quality!). They are also constantly running sales. Make sure you go check them out! Everyone loves to receive customized photo products - it makes gifts even more special!
Mailpix is going to send one of my Agents a 8x10 Canvas (their most popular)! Wow! Think what a gift that would make?!?
a Rafflecopter giveaway
I like the reusable grocery bag or the cutting board
I love the keepsake giftbox
I like the mahogany desk set. ml_mcafee@yahoo.com
I like the canvases and the keepsake boxes.
I woud do a photo canvas or a book
sunniewoodyplus2 atmsn.com
Wow! Great stuff!
I'd like to get a canvas. I have 2 and now I want more.I love your vacation pics on mugs.I also won a brag book and it turned out really good.Thank you for the great giveaway! :)
I really like the ornaments
fave: photo blanket
Deluxe 11 x 14 calendar - so I col have 12 months of my shelties photos!
Love the fleece blanket!!!!!!!!!!
I would love a ball ornament!
I would like to get a photo book!
I like the travel mug
I love the throw - it looks so comfy:-)
I would give a snowflake ornament!
fb; rab pom
I Like the canvases and the Photo keepsake box.
emsfsemsfs at gmail dot com
I love the blanket!
I would love to give my husband the fleece blanket!
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