Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The Honest Kitchen Review/Giveaway #Petacular

 Hello Agents!!

Here is the newest addition to our Spectacular Petacular Event - The Honest Kitchen. Hope from over at Hope's Cafe had the opportunity to review some treats and food from The Honest Kitchen.  Here is what she has to say!

Some of you may wonder just how different pet food can be. Here is just a little information about what makes The Honest Kitchen so unique.

"There’s a lot we do (and a lot we don’t do) when we make our pet food, to ensure it stays natural and human grade from the farm, all the way to your pet’s bowl. Our foods are made in a human food facility, not in a pet food plant, which means they’re held to the same quality standards as the food you eat.

Here’s how we do it!

  1. Our ingredients are purchased directly from suppliers we trust, in the human food business. We’ve worked with many of the same suppliers since we began in 2002.
  2. The ingredients are harvested at the peak of their ripeness, then washed and trimmed to size (our root vegetables are finely diced to ensure they’re easy to digest).
  3. Moisture is removed by gently dehydrating each ingredient. This slow process is much gentler than cooking, canning or extruding and helps protect the nutrition that mother nature put in each ingredient.
  4. The finished product is a compact, nutrient-dense blend of whole food that tastes and smells delicious.
  5. When you rehydrate our natural pet foods with pure warm water, the color, taste, texture and smell closely resembles fresh foods. We know, because we taste-test everything we make!"

Pet food that is all natural, and human grade! I knew my dogs sometimes eat better than I do!  I received a canister of the Quickies Sweetheart Treats, and a trial-size of the Keen Dog Food, and Force Dog Food for review. Since our pets had already eaten the day the package arrived, we tried out the Quickies Sweetheart Treats first. These are simply dehydrated haddock-no additives, no junk... no extras at all (which I think is awesome!) The treats are these cute little heart-shapes which are perfect for Valentine's Day! I love the small size, because you can spoil your dog (yes, I am afraid we do:) without overdoing the treats. They are also great to use while training. The size makes it easy to carry a handful in your pocket, and reward your pet's good behavior! We are currently working on training our dogs to sit, come, stay, heel, etc.  Whenever we pull out the treats, all four of our inside dogs come and sit in front of us.  It is soo funny!  Why not give your pup a Valentine's Day treat this year?! Oh, and keep out of reach of your feline friends too-ours got hold of the canister, and because of the fishy smell, decided to try some-she loved them too!

The dog food is, as I said, very unique. It comes in a dry, powdery form. Recommended portions are given on the package, and for Glory, my sister's Sheltie, I mixed 1/2 cup of the food with 3/4 cup of warm water for 1 serving. They recommend dividing a daily portion into 2 separate meals, so that's what I did. After stirring, I let it set for a couple minutes. If you've ever made box stuffing mix, that's almost what this is like. Adding the water rehydrates the ingredients, and you end up with a healthy, hearty meal for your dog to enjoy! Let me show you the process in pictures.

1-Measure out the dry food
2-Add warm water
3-After a few minutes, your dog has a wonderful meal!
Glory really liked her meal-although she did have to fight off our other dogs, who wanted to get in on the feast. Yes, I did share some of the second box with them-they literally wolfed it down!  Pansy and Grace especially thought it was great!

Wow, this is good.
Hey, that's my food dish!
Almost done...
Literally licked the bowl clean!
As you can tell, the Honest Kitchen foods were a big hit with all of our dogs! I am thrilled to find a company that makes all natural dog food.  Isn't it nice to be able to pronounce and even know what the ingredients are?!?  I know it is - Chicken, potatoes, basil, papaya, green beans...these are just a few of the foods used to make a tasty, healthy, natural meal for your furry friend from The Honest Kitchen!

One of our readers is going to receive a 4 lb. box of Honest Kitchen's Force Dog Food!  Be sure to enter and share about Honest Kitchen!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


1 Shelly Leatham said...

The Grace Cat Food looks interesting!

2 Collie222 said...

We definitely want to try their new Valentine's Day treats! The collies all agree, they look drool-worthy!

3 618mom said...

I like the Ice Pops

4 Marti Tabora said...

I'm really interested in the Force Dog Food. I think it would be good for my dog. Thank you.

5 Unknown said...

We like the look of those "Nuzzles" treats.

6 Benita said...

I'm interested in your feature prtoduct, the force dog food.

April R. said...

I'm interested in the Thrive dog food. It's made with free range chicken, spinach and sweet potato, It actually sound pretty tasty!

8 Dhjax11 said...

Honestly it's the force dog food that most interests me for my shelties. Embark is probably the next on my list. This is something I would absolutely love to try for my Shelties. I tried a small sample of embark recently and my oldest girl absolutely loved it. And what was even better was I have one picky eater who is hard to keep weight on because of his pickiness and he also has a few sensitivities. He loved honest kitchen so much that I've been wanting to get some more for him and the other dogs, especially my old girl. I would be absolutely thrilled to win a four pound box for the gang. Thanks for the chance to win.